Weather Station Status

Station avarage CPU load 0.3
This website uses Meteobridge (6.1 build 5033 VOCORE2) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 20150201001145.

NEXRAD Radar KHGX status: Active [last data 0:01:54 h:m:s ago]
as of 03/28/2025 4:00am

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
03/28/2025 4:01am
Meteobridge realtime Current 0:00:10 03/28/2025 4:00am
Meteobridge FTP Current 0:04:50 03/28/2025 3:56am
Meteobridge weather data Current 0:04:51 03/28/2025 3:56am
Meteohub FTP Current 0:00:32 03/28/2025 4:00am
Meteohub weather data Current 0:01:00 03/28/2025 4:00am
Weather Display testtags Current 0:00:48 03/28/2025 4:00am
Weather Display weather data Current 0:00:09 03/28/2025 4:00am
Cron Blitzortung Current 0:00:33 03/28/2025 4:00am
Cron NWS Alerts Current 0:00:57 03/28/2025 4:00am